7 glaciers reservations

Becoming a partner

We are a growing team of dedicated glaciologists, engineers, and data scientists who are passionate about the environment and wish to provide a service to the global community.

We see the time to act is now for tackling climate change. Our belief is that Glacier Dam is a crucial step toward decelerating rapid glacier melt and extending their life.

Become a partner today in an effort to mitigate impacts of climate change. (Please contact us for non-monetary contributions.)

We invite you to support us on this journey. Contribute to Glacier Dam now!


Where does your donation go?

We need your help to protect our glaciers! By donating to Glacier Dam, you are helping to create a powerful shield against the melting of the cryosphere.  

Our current goals are centered around research and development. This includes glacier data monitoring and possible designs for Glacier Dam and prototyping. 

Your donation will be used to fund the research and development of Glacier Dam, and help us bring this innovative solution to glacier regions around the world. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a difference. Thank you for your support!