Our Vision

To save the world's glaciers and slow global warming through innovative geoengineering.

Glacier Dam's mission is to mitigate the effects of climate change. Our work to regenerate glaciers will bring economic, social, and environmental security to many communities threatened by climate change. We wish to preserve and grow the white reflective areas of the Earth, this will mean more solar radiation is reflected back into space. Our vision is to achieve this important mission through open cooperation.

Our Core Values

  • Our products are designed to minimize the symptoms of climate change. We believe in sustainable and ethical engineering practices. These include meeting the pressing needs of the present without compromising the environment for future generations. Our team acts with integrity and objectivity and will openly report any adverse consequences.

  • Climate change is real and affects us all. We aim to provide a sustainable service that contributes to the global community’s efforts to lessen the effects of climate change. By the end of the century, it is predicted coastal cities will face sea level rises of more than a meter above current levels. Water scarcity is an issue for billions of people who rely on glacial melt for drinking water and irrigation. We believe that ensuring the longevity and health of our glaciers will have a positive cascade effect on all these pressing issues.

  • We believe the time to act is now. There are already ever-increasing effects of climate change being experienced all around the globe today. We believe there has never been a greater need for geoengineering products to protect and regenerate glaciers, which will maximize the albedo effect and preserve the cryosphere.

  • Glacier Dam is an opportunity to develop state-of-the-art open source geoengineering products.

    Additionally, we will develop software that will be able to accurately predict the best location for Glacier Dam deployment and monitor the speed of glacial flow. The technology developed will have technical widespread benefits for other applications and uses for the scientific community.

  • Our design process is based on two design principles. The first is to repeatedly revisit previous steps in the design process to make improvements (iterative design). The second is the process in which a design is created to meet specified requirements (generative design). We aim to blend the two processes to make continuous and lasting improvements to our products.

  • We are already a team of committed glaciologists, engineers, and data scientists who all have a shared vision for regenerating glaciers and the cryosphere. Our team fully embraces industry advancement in geoengineering and open collaboration. We hope through this project there will be wider benefits to the scientific community such as allowing use of Glacier Dam’s testing environments for other products with similar uses. The software we aim to develop for dam deployment will be available for use to monitor glacial shrinkage and movement.